Black Box Battery offers on site maintenance and fleet management services to help keep your equipment in top operating condition, in order to run efficiently and stay cost effective.
New batteries are the most expensive way to fuel your fleet. Repairing batteries is less expensive but still very costly. Maintaining and managing your fleet is the most economical way to procure the fuel for your business!
We're here to help you find solutions for
- Proper battery watering
- Managing cold storage solutions
- Preventing sulfation and stratification
- Setting up equalization systems
- and more
Importance of Watering
Historically speaking, a large percentage of most batteries' engineered capabilities are lost due to over-watering and flooding.
As deep-cycle lead-acid industrial batteries reach gassing point (80%), the battery will lose some amount of water due to electrolysis. Once the battery has achieved a minimum state of charge of 80% and is gassing, the bubbles will create a higher water level than normal which is called expansion.
Over-watering is typically caused by adding water to the battery before the battery has reached a state of charge of 80% or greater.
When a battery has been or is watered before a full state of charge or before expansion has occurred there will be an overflow. When an overflow occurs acid and water is washed out of the battery. If this has happened multiple times, the water acid ratio has been diluted and the battery will lose capacity.
When a battery loses capacity it tends to over-discharge. Over-discharging leads to over-charging, and both subject the battery to extra heat, leading to shortened life and lack of capacity.
Overflowed batteries will also rust and corrode the battery, as well as the forklift and potentially ruin the floor.
Again, much engineered capacity and life expectancy is lost due to poor watering habits. This is why watering accessories and proper management lead to huge returns on your investment.
The ultimate goal is to get the maximum amount of capacity for the maximum amount of years or discharge recharge cycles.
Proper training maintenance and management of watering is critical. There are a few tried-and-true accessories that make this somewhat tedious task much simpler, safer and economical.
Watering guns and single point systems are fantastic and will pay for themselves in one year or less. It is highly recommended to spend a few dollars on a smart water light and a single-point watering system.
A single-point watering system is a plumbed system where all the caps are replaced with automatic valving and tubing that runs between the beginning and the end of the chain of valves.
The recommended process is to check all batteries on the morning after a weekend. Equalize charge, looking at water light indicators
- lights that are green do not require any further watering
- lights that are red indicate watering is required.
Please see pictures of watering lights and watering systems as well as regulators.
A typical return-on-investment shows that these accessories and labour will pay for themselves in under 1 year.
Learn more about watering in this video:
Kilowatt Korner - Considering Cold Storage
Any time any type of equipment has to deal with extreme temperatures such as cold storage in freezers, operational and maintenance approaches must be reconsidered. The cooling of the lift truck rotational and lifting components and hydraulics, as well as the cooling and slowing of the chemical process of the battery will seriously diminish battery capacity.
For example:
The medium electrolyte temperature of a lift truck lead acid battery is considered to be 77 degrees Fahrenheit.
A common deep reach 36 volt battery is a 1000 amp hour battery.
Depth of discharge, or DOD, is a discharge point that the battery engineers have chosen to maximize both capacity and the longevity of the battery. Recharging the battery before you hit that point means stopping to change a battery, which reduces productivity. On the flip side, going past 80% DOD point will start to seriously shorten battery life.
Over-discharged batteries will over-charge, and the additional heat will destroy the battery prematurely. Secondly, over-discharged batteries will also not attain a full charge, which leads to issues of stratification and sulpation, again leading to the early demise of the battery.
This is a tricky concept. With cold electrolyte temperatures, battery voltages are difficult for the charger to interpret. Large quantities of current rush into the battery in the beginning of the charge cycle. Over-discharged batteries will stay at this high current for much longer, which produces additional heat.
Also, when you have a sluggish electrical chemical process, the charger usually will shut down well before the battery has chemically returned to a full state of charge.
Normally, deep-cycle batteries are not discharged past what is called an 80% mark. This means you could pull 80% of the capacity out in a day, leaving 20% of the battery's capacity, and then the battery must go on recharge.
So, in this example you can pull out 800 apps out of a new 1000 amp 36 volt battery.
If you place this same battery into cold storage and allow the temperature to drop to the temperature of the freezer, which is around 0 degrees Fahrenheit, you will lose up to 50% of its capacity.
This loss is directly linked to the slowing of the chemical process, by the cooling of the electrolyte.
Now, we have a 500 amp hour 36 volt battery, and we never use the bottom 200 amps, so your fuel capacity for that day or shift has dropped in theory from 1000 amps to 300 amps!
In many cases, the equipment does not stay in the freezer long enough for the lift truck's battery electrolyte to achieve that temperature, but there will always be some effect. For example, if you cool by 30%, which is not uncommon, you will lose 30% of the capacity, .
- Make sure that you have taken temperature correction of electrolyte into consideration when calculating how much electrical energy your operation needs for each truck, shift and day.
- Make sure that you have the correct size charger, and the correct control profile for recharging that battery fully after each charge cycle.
- Make sure your preventative management program takes into consideration temperature correction and make adjustments, especially in the first few months of operation. Never assume that the plan was perfect out of the box. Always follow-up and follow-through with monitoring and adjustments.
- Modern chargers now have access to modules that attach to the battery and will assist in guaranteeing the necessary full state of charge.
- It is wise to raise the lift interrupt on the equipment from the 80% DOD point to the 70% point to add additional protection for the battery and lift truck components. Chemistry and voltages on charge and under load are tricky. Raising the lift interrupt point is crucial!
- Again, it is not uncommon to see newer batteries never receive a full charge once they've been placed into service.
- Keep an eye out for the effects of heavy over-discharging, such as wavy, coiled DC cables.
Please feel free to contact Black Box Battery for additional information and free on-site inspection and recommendations.
Many customers will invest heavily in the latest technology chargers, heaviest batteries, easy-to-use water systems, data collection modules and then leave it all to its own devices until things go wrong. Typically things will go sideways without a plan. Unfortunately, most companies will leave their multiple million-dollar investment to the new kid or the janitor to take care of. Or everyone has to take care of it, which means no one is (which is usually a bad idea!)
If left long enough, the damage will be done and difficult to correct without spending a lot of unexpected money.
- In medium to heavy applications, batteries should be professionally inspected by a battery expert on a quarterly basis.
- For lighter applications, twice a year is recommended.
Many battery manufacturers offer a full five-year replacement warranty. Be sure to read the details of the warranty card to discover what the warranty says, which is often "if any cell fails to produce a minimum capacity of 80% due to a defect in parts and labour, the manufacturer, at their discretion, will repair or replace the cell at no charge."
In reality what we really see without proper inspections and preventive management is:
95% of the time where a battery is failing, a cell has gone well past 75% capacity and is now completely dead - shorted and dried out. and often smelling or even smoking.
This will drag the rest of the battery down by over-discharging and over-charging. All of this repetitive cycling creates extreme heat in the battery which leads to the destruction of the battery. When this goes on for months, the damage is done.
Lift truck operators will never notice the slow degradation of capacity from a failing cell until it's much too late. If you note hot temperatures on a battery or batteries or cables and connectors you have big problems. Excessive water loss or excessive watering demands also means problems.
The best approach is to identify a weakening cell before it does extreme damage to the battery.
A good capacity number to look for would be 75% of its original rated capacity.
This can be done by taking detailed specific gravity and open circuit, on charge, and under load voltage readings at full charge on a regular basis.
If those readings cannot be improved by charging or adding acid, then that cell will be replaced at no charge under warranty!
This is the main reason why a seasoned professional should preemptively inspect batteries.
Checking chargers setup on a regular basis for voltage, gassing points for cold storage, opportunity charging applications, and aging batteries will all help in maximizing the battery's life.
Again, the best forklift, batteries, chargers and accessories will mean nothing if they are not properly and regularly managed by a professional.
New batteries are the most expensive way to fuel your fleet. Repairing batteries is less expensive but still very costly. Maintaining and managing your fleet is the most economical way to procure the fuel for your business!
New replacement batteries range between $4,000 and $20,000 a piece.
Battery and prices have increased by over 35% in the last 4 years. This price trend will probably never change.
Do not leave this to chance, make a reliable, proven plan with a budget for maintaining your equipment with Black Box Battery.
Please call us for a free consultation.
Sulfation and Equalization
In an earlier section we covered the importance of watering and watering at the correct time.
Many premature battery losses are due to watering or over-watering.
The second biggest problem in our industry involves sulfation and equalization.
Lead acid batteries build up a surface barrier on the plates called a sulfate or sulfation. This is a normal process that can and must be reversed on a regular and on-going basis.
This surface barrier needs to be reversed or "scraped off" the plates weekly to allow the battery to realize its maximum engineered capabilities for as many years as possible.
Typically once a week an equalize charge cycle is applied to every battery.
This simple operation can be done with a modern automated charger with the equalize function: either an auto or manual equalize button. Simply start the charger by plugging in, and actuate the manual equalize button. In auto equalize mode, the charger will count off 5 plug-ins and then automatically engage equalize. The equalize feature will first bring the battery to full charge and then add up to an extra 3 hours of low current to remove the accumulation of sulfate.
If this weekly process is ignored, over time you'll end up with a battery that is permanently heavily sulfated and may no longer be a useful asset, requiring replacement.
The other necessary and valuable side effect of weekly equalization is assisting in the mixing of the electrolyte from top to bottom within the cell. This mixing aids in reversing a cell condition known as as stratification.
Stratification is where the heavy acid ends up at the bottom of the cell, and since the acid concentration is much heavier in the bottom of the cell, heavy corrosion occurs over time on the bottom portion of the plates. Weekly gassing and bubbling will mix the ratios evenly, from top to bottom. Maintaining these ratios will reduce corrosion and cell failure over time, extending cycle life and capacity to its maximum potential.
Please call us for further strategies on reversing the long term effects of sulphation and stratification.
Contact us for a personalized evaluation of your battery maintenance needs.
For more complicated needs, we will schedule an on-site evaluation to understand exactly what your solution should be.
We help you find the batteries and accessories best suited to get the job done.